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Privacy, GDPR and Octane AI

Understand how Octane AI helps you preserve user privacy

Mark Baek avatar
Written by Mark Baek
Updated over a year ago

We strongly believe users should be able to control their privacy and have rights over their data usage. We believe the law passed by the European Union, GDPR, is a good thing for the internet. 

Octane AI, as your vendor for zero-party data and remarketing, is compliant with GDPR.

Regarding your customers and users, you are the data controller and Octane AI is the data processor. This means, your users may contact you to ask their data to be removed or to view their data. If you need to handle a user request for data removal, please email us at [email protected] and we will help you. 

You can also request user data through Shopify at any time and this user data will be emailed to admins on the account.

What about your personal data as a user of Octane AI?

For you, as a business user using the product and browsing the site, we are the data controller and responsible to you. You can ask us to remove your data at any time by emailing [email protected]. 

How do I make my Octane AI opt-ins GDPR compliant?

💡 Learn about our privacy policy

For more information about the information we collect, our security policies, third party vendors we use and data policies please view our full Privacy Policy.

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